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Emerging Stewards Initiative

The Emerging Stewards Initiative aims to develop new generations of Adirondack stewards from marginalized
communities throughout New York State. The goal is to foster a deep investment in the sustainability and long-term health of the Adirondack Park and spread the powerful impact of nature. The Emerging Stewards Initiative facilitates several programs, outlined below.  For more information on any of these programs please email Melanie at

Claiming Space

​​Claiming Space is for outdoor enthusiasts or novices of all ages. ADI welcomes excursion and tourism groups from marginalized communities; introducing participants to the Adirondacks in safe ways that affirm and promote belonging. Individuals and groups come to learn about what the Adirondacks have to offer in terms of recreation while sharing positive experiences within their networks to build tourism and support stewardship of the region.  We work with a number of local partners and Great Camps such at Camp Dudley and Camp Sagamore serve as host and program sites.  If you are a group interested in learning more about our Claiming Space program please email Melanie at for more information.

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Alternative Spring Break

This program invites college students from BIPOC communities to spend their spring break exploring  and engaging with the natural world. It offers a unique opportunity for students to step off campus and discover the beautiful landscapes and resources of the Adirondacks they may not have had the chance to experience or feel confident exploring on their own.  The program provides students with the opportunity to learn about political and social community dynamics, while becoming a catalyst for collaborative social change. Through direct service, education and reflection, all students involved will be challenged to understand their relationship with the real-life social issues, while encouraging personal growth, social awareness, and active citizenship. While focusing collective minds on the intersections of racial and environmental justice the program aims to shape the future stewards of our park, fostering a deeper connection to nature and a commitment to environmental equity.


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Student Scholarships

This program promotes equity, inclusion, and belonging by providing scholarships for children from underserved and historically marginalized communities to attend overnight summer camps in the Adirondacks. These scholarships offer students from outside the region unique experiences and learning opportunities that may not
be available to them otherwise, broadening their horizons and fostering greater understanding.


In addition ADI works with local host camps to diversity and provide cultural consciousness building for their staff. When campers see themselves reflected in their educators, this has a lasting impact on youth, especially those who had little, if any, access to the outdoors - they come to understand that the Adirondacks are theirs and they feel empowered to explore and protect them.

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